
Documentary serie

0 jour restant
122 Participations

Créée par Marc Meillassoux

pour Disappear - cover your online tracks

Hi everyone,


Feel free to help us way the production of the independent documentary 'Disappear - cover your online tracks'.

You can make a contribution here.


'Disappear' is an independent documentary film questioning digital self-defense and means to take back control of our online privacy. 

Check out our presentation teaser here:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1587081065/disappear-the-documentary


'Disappear' is a sequel to 'Nothing to Hide', released under a Creative Commons NC license.

Trailer (ENG): https://vimeo.com/185535526

Nothing to Hide (Full movie, English): https://vimeo.com/189016018

Nothing to Hide (Full movie, French): https://vimeo.com/193515863

Nothing to Hide (Full movie, German): https://vimeo.com/195446463


FRANCE 24 (1): "Very interesting documentary, it will get you thinking"

FORBES (2): "Rich, well-written and eye-opening"

LES INROCKS (3): "A captivating documentary" 


Help us empower privacy and online freedoms!


Thank you in advance,


the 'Disappear' Team


(1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEzb51_xNg0&t=7m13s

(2) https://www.forbes.fr/technologie/surveillance-de-masse-nothing-to-hide/https://usbeketrica.com/article/pourquoi-n-avoir-rien-a-cacher-n-est-pas-une-raison-pour-accepter-la-surveillance-de-masse

(3) http://www.lesinrocks.com/2017/09/09/cinema/nothing-hide-pourquoi-ce-docu-sur-la-surveillance-de-masse-nous-concerne-t-il-tous-11983255/