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Dear Facebook friends! I have entered the Geneva Marathon in May. It's been 17 years and two small boys since I ran my last marathon, so it's going to interesting to say the least! Ive decided to raise money for two charities in the hope that this will spur me on.The first is Age Concern based in the UK. Both my Grandmothers lived to a ripe old age, struggling with dementia, loneliness bought on by the death of husbands and children, and the loss of independence as their mobility lessened. It dawned on me how easy society finds it to marginalise and forget the elderly, and seeing as we all have a pretty good chance of becoming one of them, I'm hoping that my legs will keep on going for 26.2 miles and raise some money to help this amazing organisation. The second is Royal Bourbon SOS situated on the Reunion isles and headed up by Martine Dubois. This is a grass roots charity that rescues, rehabilitates and ultimatly rehomes puppies and dogs. They exist solely on donations and the goodwill of people to cover their costs, and for every dog that is rehomed, it seems that another 10 are needing help. So, with this in mind, I'd be really grateful for any contributions, big or small!Ps I promise not to be a running bore..