
Swing Base needs your help!

5 974,99 €récoltés sur 11 000 €
0 jour restant
101 Participations

Créée par Anonyme

pour Swing Base - Clément Madeline

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Donation Project: Update ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Our donation project came to the end! We reached almost 50% of our goal and collected about 5.000 € of 11.000€ (donation get taxed)! Thank you so much! Your support is a huge help and this gives us the force to continue our Swing Project in Berlin!

⭐️ 75% of the regular earnings of all Swing Base teachers from March to Mai are covered! To thank you back, we created plenty of online dance classes to practice at home!

⭐️ The Corona-Soforthilfe II help us to cover the leasing costs (rent). This is great complementary support to the donation project.

⭐️ We’re already looking for a new place and we already have some hints. Do you know a good place for us? Then write us here: info @ swingbase.de

We believe that dance classes won’t happen in Berlin for few months because of Covid-19. This is gonna be a hard time, not only for us but for all the dance school and dancers in Berlin.We keep hope and we have ideas. For this, check here our vision for a swing life after Covid-19: www.swingbase.de/aftercovid


You missed the donation campaign, but you would like to support us? You can still donate on PayPal info @ swingbase.de or get some of our online dance classes: swingbase.de/onlineclassIf you donated, you can have access to online dance classes: www.swingbase.de/donate 😉