Make St Barths Green Again

11 312,07 €récoltés
0 jour restant
74 Participations

Créée par Thibault Masson

pour Make St Barths Green Again


Supporting the local St. Barths economy by making the island attractive to visitors. (en francais plus bas / French below) 

You can make a difference and help the island recover its beauty, charm its visitors again, and jumpstart its economic engine. How?

By making St Barths green again, one tree at a time. By helping plant trees, you can help locals forget the scars of Hurricane Irma. You, as a visitor, can at the same time make your own stay even more enjoyable by watching trees adorn again the coasts of St. Barths once again.


  • This is the donation page for the non-profit Green StBarths (aka Making St Barths Green Again). To know more our organization, our statutes and our action,  you can visit our website:
  • We have selected this donation platform called Leetchi as it is the number 1 donation platform in France, offers secure payments to donators and lets you and us track contributions easily. You can donate how much you want. Click on the CONTRIBUTE button to get started. 
  • Insurance companies will help rebuild villas and shops, but there is no insurance for lanscaptes. To get visitors back and foster employment on the island, replanting along the beaches and the roads is crucial. 
  • The project is supported globally by St Barths lovers and executed locally by people with a proven track record of delivering on environmental projects on the island (For instance, Didier Laplace of Coastal Restoration St Barth). 
  • Green StBarths is working under the advice of the local environmental authorities (Agence Territoriale de l'Environnement) to plant on species endemic to the island and safe for the local animals. 
  • The money collected will be used in 2 ways:
    1. Giving St Barths its alluring beaches back by planting smaller trees and plants that can stabilize the sand dunes.  We will also only select plants that make it possible for turtles to lay their eggs on our beaches. Thus, we are using local knowslege and scientific studies to select the right plants.
    2. Giving St Barths landscapes and roads their allure back by replanting hedges that were dotting the island. Locals and visitors enjoy the charm and the privacy that natural hedges of small local trees give to the roads and neighborhoods of the island.​

  • This is a French non-profit, located in St Barths, and certified by the local authorities ("Collectivite de Saint Barthelemy) as part of the non-profits officially endorsed and superviced to be part of the post hurricane Irma relief effort. (See below a copy of the certification letter issued by the authorities).



Thank you for helping us make St Barths green again!

Click to make a contribution.

  • Give however much you want.
  • All payments are secure

Thank you!



L'association a but non-lucratif GreenStBarths / Reverdir Saint Barth a pour but de soutenir l'economie de Saint Barthelemy en aidant a restaurer les paysages de l'ile.

  • En redonnant leur attrait aux plages, aux routes et aux quartiers de l'ile, nous pourrons faire revenir un plus grand nombre de visiteurs et plus rapidement. Cela permettra ainsi de generer plus d'emplois pour les habitants, vivant directement ou indirectement du tourisme.
  • Cet effort est ouvert au monde entier, mais est realise au niveau local: Approbation de l'association par la Collectivite de Saint Barthelemy comme faisant partie des associations a but non lucratif pouvant collecter des dons apres l'ouragan Irma, travail avec les conseils de l'Agence Territoriale de l'Environnement pour ne planter que des especes locales non-nuisibles a notre faune et a notre flore, appuis de personnalites de l'ile ayant fait preuve qu'elles savaient mener a bien des projets environnementaux (ex : Didier Laplace de Coast Restoration St Barth) et travail realise par des entreprises de l'ile pour soutenir notre economie.
  • L'argent recolte servira a 2 choses:
    1. Rendre a St Barth ses belles plages en stabilisant ses dunes. Nous y planterons des arbustes endemiques et plantes locales permettant aussi de maintenir le sable de maniere a ce que les tortues puissent y pondre leurs oeufs.
    2. Rendre a St Barth ses beaux paysages en restaurant ses haies. Le charme des routes et des quartiers de Saint Barthelemy tient aussi en ces haies naturelles qui bordent les routes et redonnent de l'intimite aux maisons.
  • L'association a selectionne cette platforme Leetchi pour recueillir les dons car c'est la plateforme de dons numero 1 en France, les paiements sont securises pour les donateurs et c'est plus facile pour les donateurs et l'association de faire le suivi des dons.

Vous pouvez des maintenant donner le montant que vous souhaitez via ce site securise.