Maddie's Warrior Race for a Diabetes Cure

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Créée par Helen Wills

pour JDRF


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Maddie is running a warrior race with a team of her friends, to raise money for JDRF, the Type 1 Diabetes charity. Diabetes is much more difficult to control than you'd imagine, and Maddie suffers hypos, and unhealthy high blood sugars most days, due to factors she can't predict or control. Food is actually the easy part. The curve balls come from hormones, adrenaline, unexpected exercise, and growth. Even a common cold can cause raging high blood sugar, and a simple tummy bug can kill a diabetic. 


So, she'd quite like a cure. Just so one day she can relax like the rest of us and get on with living her life. You can donate, or you can come along to the event to cheer them on. We'll post details nearer the time.


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