
Charity for Marie-Abadie Day Hospital

900 €récoltés sur 1 300 €
0 jour restant
21 Participations

Créée par Anonyme


Hello everyone and welcome to our money pot for the Marie-Abadie Day Hospital!

Let's start with telling you what this money pot is about:


On Christmas of 2017, STRAMMER first organised a toy donation for the children of the Marie-Abadie Day Hospital in Paris! Seeing these children happy and excited to receive these gifts is a wonderful memory that we want to share with you.


After seeing the impact of your generosity, we have decided to continue taking care for this children and make their life a little bit more enjoyable. How?  We are partnering with a farm who will come to the hospital to enable children to discover farm animals on Saturday July 7, 2018.

Children will be able to pet and discover over 15 different animals. In addition to that, there will be a show where children can dress as farmers and give food to all animals.


Our goal is to collect €1,300. This money will cover the costs for bringing animals to the hospital’s courtyard and, in result, give them the chance to experience a special day.

We are grateful for everyone, who wants to help and we are counting on your generosity to help us meet our goal!


Let's do something good and create a day full of fun for

the children of the Marie-Abadie Day Hospital! smiley


Thank you everyone!